Download Statistics

Annual Download Statistics

By wwPDB site, from 2009 to present

Year Total Total FTP Archive Total Website
2024 1,768,251,235 986,417,199 781,834,036
2023 3,102,043,501 2,035,853,611 1,066,189,890
2022 3,134,697,434 2,135,291,607 999,405,827
2021 2,364,150,827 1,644,590,100 719,560,727
2020 1,323,213,832 641,371,309 681,842,523
2019 838,269,170 512,463,111 325,806,059
2018 749,356,769* N/A N/A
2017 679,421,200 454,723,083 224,698,117
2016 591,876,087 366,677,897 225,198,190
2015 534,339,871 368,244,766 166,095,105
2014 512,227,251 339,193,721 173,033,530
2013 441,262,210 296,176,290 145,085,920
2012 376,944,070 255,837,735 121,106,335
2011 383,131,048 276,952,286 106,178,762
2010 294,326,976 213,180,966 81,146,010
2009 328,362,536 271,116,934 57,245,602
2020 onwards: Statistics include all types of experimental data, chemical reference data, and validation reports downloaded via http in addition to coordinate files, structure factor files, and validation reports (via ftp only) downloads.
2018: Estimated total based on extrapolation (PDBe data unavailable due to GDPR)

Last updated: 22 July 2024